Wall Murals » KidStuff » Paradise Island Bedroom

Paradise Island Bedroom

This was a mural for a little boy and girl, where I was to paint not only all four walls, but also the ceiling, doors everything. The subject of the mural was the bedding, which had embroidered scenes of Paradise Island, treasure chests, mermaids, fish, underwater castles and lots of other goodies. I was to design a mural to match this bedding and make it 3 dimensional. The boy's bedding was a little different than the girls, but I had to incorporate both to make this mural. Easy, right? When I have all the pieces of the puzzle in front of me, it just came to me. I started drawing and the scenes just evolved. I also added all the knick-knacks of each bedding with the correct color threads to match it perfectly. All the fabric in the boat is a fabric design from the bedding.

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